Clash of Steel
for Military History & Aviation enthusiasts

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What is this all about?

"a website devoted to Military History, including an on-line database of military engagements and images from wars throughout history."

This is an on-going, collaborative project to record and commemorate military actions from classical times to the 20th Century. It also hosts a gallery of images relating to military subjects and a directory of links to re-enactment groups and locations of interest to the military historian. It is constantly expanding and we would invite you to contribute information, battles, images and links that you think others might be interested in.

We also review books of relevance and interest to the military history community. Get in touch if you'd like us to review your book, or if you have a review for us.

We are steadily building an on-line database of military engagements from various wars and campaigns throughout history. It will include statistics, unit strengths and the commanders involved.

War graves

It is an on-going, interactive project with visitors being invited to contribute photographs, information and discussion to expand and enhance the data as a resource for all those interested in military history.

It is not intended to glorify war, or other conflict. Images such as this are a common sight in many towns and cities, and the casualty figures on the database should speak for themselves.

War brings out both the worst and the best in human nature. Great feats of courage, sacrifice, faith, friendship and honour sit alongside cruelty, suffering, slaughter and stupidity but these things should be remembered, commemorated and learned from, not forgotten or 'brushed under the carpet'. We hope you agree.