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Review for Torpedo Bombers 1900-1950, An Illustrated History

Author/Director : Jean-Denis Lepage

Format : Book

This is an unusual work, probably of more interest the the naval aviation enthusiast rather than the casual reader. It is split chronologically into sections based on significant periods during the years listed, covering the full range of the popularity and service of the type. Each section is then split into nations, and lists, it looks like, every single aircraft every designed to carry a torpedo. Of course it covers the classics such as the Fairey Swordfish, the Douglas Devastator, the Grumman Avenger, the Nakajima 'Kate'. But it also covers obscure prototypes that never made it into service, and early service machines like the Shorts Type 166 and the Aeromarine 700. Each main section has a brief introduction covering the main developments of that period, but it is the individual aircraft sections that are king here. Stats, development, service history and strengths/weaknesses are given for each type along with an illustration of it. And iIlustrated, this book certainly is. It is filled with the author's own grey-scale illustrations of I believe every airframe mentioned in the text, which while unusual, are effective in giving an impression of what the aircraft would have looked like, which is especially useful for those which are particularly rare and hard to find photographs of. Clearly a great deal of work has gone into this, and while it was difficult to read cover to cover, it will be an invaluable reference.

Published by : Pen and Sword Military, 2020
ISBN : 978 1 52676 347 1

Review last updated : 2020-12-08 18:57:41

See also : other "General Military or Reference" reviews