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Review for The Trafalgar Chronicle, New Series 4

Author/Director : Ed. Peter Hore

Format : Book

The Trafalgar Chronicle is the journal of The 1805 Club which publishes new research into a broad range of subjects connected with the Georgian navy. This edition, new series 4, edited by Peter Hore, contains twenty-one articles many of them with an American interest but with a wide range of subject matter. Among the articles is the intriguingly titled ‘Nelson was an Irishman’, as well as articles on ‘Sin Bo‘suns’, the oldest Admiral of the Fleet ever with a naval service of 96 years, and ‘Jack Punch’ the one black post-captain of the period. The subjects of the non-biographical articles include privateers, the balloon, carronades, the battle of St. George’s Cay and the Russians on the Tagus. I could go on to list all the articles as I enjoyed everyone.
The book is beautifully produced with some rare appropriate illustrations, and extensive references. A rather nice touch are the brief biographies of the contributors.
Every article is well written, extensively researched, informative and a joy to read. We highly recommend it to both expert and layman alike.

Published by : Seaforth Publishing, 2019
ISBN : 978 1 5267 5950 4

Review last updated : 2020-01-14 14:15:33

See also : other "Napoleonic Wars" reviews