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Review for Culloden 1746

Author/Director : Stuart Reid

Format : Book

This book is not simply a guide to the battlefield it does much more. The first six chapters are an excellent account of the development of the battle, chapter seven compares the two armies, their similarities and differences, while the final chapter gives advice and guidance on visiting the battle field today. There is an abundance of photographs and drawings, I particularly like the contemporary sketches of individuals engaged in the battle. The twelve maps of the battlefield, each a double page spread and all on the same template, show the movement of the forces. The map of the battlefield today is also on that template. This is a super idea allowing the reader to make immediate comparisons without having to adjust for scale or displacement.
This, the third edition of this book, has been updated to take in the latest archaeological and documentary discoveries. It remains a slim volume of 156 pages and therefore is of ideal size to slip into a rucksack for a visit to the battlefield.
Whether visiting the battlefield or just wanting to read a straightforward introduction to the battle this book is highly recommended.

Published by : Pen & Sword Military. Pen & Sword \Books \Ltd., 2018
ISBN : 978 1 52673 973 5

Review last updated : 2018-09-03 08:40:42

See also : other "18th Century" reviews